In the Cannes Lions festivities last year, when Yahoo’s Marissa Mayer said native advertising is the solution to ad blocking, digital publishers around the world rejoiced. They had been looking for a solution for months. Finally, the 200 something millions of ad-blockers users could no longer hurt their ad revenue. And Marissa really meant what she said. Yahoo aggressively rolled …
Already turning off your ad blocker? Not good enough!
Last month, Forbes started blocking ad blocker users from accessing the site. While it sounds easy, however, there are many technical “gotchas” that publishers need to watch out. For example, in this case, Forbes still blocked this user even she already turned off her Adblock Plus plugin on FireFox. The Lesson The most common problem I’ve seen is inaccurate ad-block …
Fighting the Ad Blockers: How to Reduce the Impact of Ad Blocking
Tri Huynh is founder and head of business development for AdSorcery, which aims to circumvent ad blockers. The article was published on Digiday on November 27, 2015. Almost every Millennial nowadays know what ad blockers are. Simply said, an ad blocker is a tool (typically installed as an Internet browser extension), which prevents the delivery of ads across websites, videos …
Ad blockers – The new boss in town
The article was published on Digiday on November 27, 2015. Tri Huynh is founder and head of business development for AdSorcery, which aims to circumvent ad blockers. Recently, I sat down with a blogger whose website was singled out by ad blockers for daring to cross them. Speaking on the condition his name not be published because he feared further retribution, …
A platform for publishers to circumvent ad blockers
AdSorcery, a startup company, today at the Houston Technology Center (HTC) unveiled a platform for publishers to circumvent ad blockers. The launch follows a successful 12-month testing period with several local newspapers and technology blogs in Houston and Austin. “In the testing period, many clients saw up to 30 percent increase in revenue. We have learned that audiences respond well to transparency,” …